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Exceptional Quality 

Our sheep flock started in 2017 with the purchase of 4 ewe lambs and a ram lamb. From there we have selected our flock based on; mothering ability, growth, temperament, and ability to do well in a low maintenance system. Our sheep breed of choice are dorpers. They are a hair type sheep meaning they shed out and don’t require shearing. The benefits of this trait are that all the nutrients our lambs consume go directly to muscle and carcass growth rather than to producing wool. Also dorpers tend to have a milder flavour than typical wool breeds. The “muttony” taste some people associate with lamb is largely due to lanolin in the wool. Dorpers however create a significantly smaller amount of lanolin because they are a hair breed. Therefore they have a less “muttony” flavour. Our ewes are bred at different times of the year, in order to supply our customers with a year round supply of fresh lamb. Once lambs are born they follow their mothers onto rich pastures of grass and clover. There they enjoy an endless supply of sunshine, grass, and their mothers milk. In the fall and winter our sheep and lambs are fed local hay and legumes to deliver optimum nutrition. 



Committed to Sustainability 

In 1979 the first 20 cows were purchased by my grandparents. The following year they bought 10 more, and in Grandma’s words “ Not one of them was worth a dang!” From that first rocky start they worked hard and built a herd to be proud of! In 2000 when my father took over he added his cattle to the herd and continued to increase and build the herd. 
Heifers were kept back off of the top producing females to replace lower quality animals. Selection was made on animals that possessed good feet, thick and deep bodies, easy fleshing, and a gentle temperament. The motto that “A quiet cow and a wild one cost the same to feed” has always rung true. To this day the majority of the cow herd will come when they’re called and some even stop for a scratch!  Our calves are born in mid spring in order to be old enough to travel with their mothers on range pastures when the grass is of optimal nutrition. This allows the cows to produce as much nutrient rich milk as possible to allow the calves the most growth. Our cows, calves, and steers are rotated through lush, and rich pastures of native grasses. We always leave more grass than what we take, constantly striving to keep a balance with nature and the other species that rely on these areas. As conscientious and responsible ranchers/conservationists it is our belief that we need to do everything we can to help and co-exist with the wildlife populations. An example of this is the fact that we have not constructed an elk fence due to our belief that it's not morally right for us to use crown range for our cattle and not allow the elk to use some of our feed in the winter in return.In the early fall our cattle are gathered off range pastures and moved to irrigated private land, in order to allow the best feed for our beef. All our gathering and cow work is done the old fashioned way on horseback. We believe this is the most natural and least impactful way to complete the jobs, as well as putting the least amount of stress on our cattle. Our calves are weaned in late fall and sorted by sex and weight class. Heifers of supreme quality are kept to become future producers, while other animals are selected to enter our beef program. The remainder are sent to market, in Alberta.
Our beef animals are fed throughout the year with our cow herd, and on separate nutrient dense pastures in order to finish for grass fed beef. Meanwhile some other animals are finished for 60-90 days on a mix of chopped forage, legumes, and grain. These traditionally finished beef are highly requested by some of our return customers due to their exceptional marbling and flavour!



Exceeding Expectations

When my wife Kash and I moved home, we realized the place where we were living at the time had a weed problem. Neither of us are fans of harsh chemicals and sprays so we vowed to find a natural way. That natural way came in the form of a small white goat we later named Jemima. Jemima was a terror, a horrible taste of what goats had to offer. She refused to be contained, constantly bleated, and believed wholeheartedly she was a sheep. However the one thing she was successful with was eating weeds, as well as any garden and yard plant that she could force her way to. The next step was to purchase more meat breed does and expand our flock in order to  get a handle on our weeds. By the time we moved back to the family ranch the love of goats had struck us hard, and the goats came with us! Today our numbers fluctuate between a handful and too many goats. However we always keep enough around to fill customer orders and take care of the weeds. Our goats are kept with our sheep and eat on the same pastures as well as brushy areas around the ranch.

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